Sunday, April 24, 2016

invictus games 2016 orlando

‘INVICTUS’, a beautiful poem written by extra-ordinary poet William Ernest Henley has an inspiration in itself, an untold story of wounded fighters, both men and women who had gone to every last stride to ensure the independence of their homelands. They had no intentions in their brains whatsoever the situation may be, but for world peace and opulence; they are heroes of the nation. Invictus games are for those who never give up; they still rise and shine to claim their part in the thriving humanity. These war veterans are masters of their fates and captains of their souls, justly said by the poet. The poet himself was an amputee, so every single word of his lettering depicts the language of a hurt but an optimistic soul. Greatly inspired by Warrior games, a domestic event of United States was attended by Prince Harry in 2013 that stimulated him to bring out a global version of these competitions.
Starting its efficacious journey from London, Invictus games have got great acclamation from all over the world, and in wake of which Prince Harry, the heart and soul behind these games announced to continue the streak. From all around the world, 15 nations and 500 athletes including war-torn Afghanistan, Iraq, and NATO allies such as United States and United Kingdom will take part keenly in the famous ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex this May in Orlando. From 8 to 12 May 2016, these brave soldiers will recollect the cheers and blisses of game rather than faint-heartedly despising themselves for possessing partial bodies. Sports are, in fact the best approach for soldiers to move on with their lives, to escape self-hate, and to surge on the globe by their performance.
This would not have been possible if the British and US government and foundations had not helped us. Invictus games foundation is totally administered by honorable trustees from all fields including military, sports, and business. Under the kind patronage of Prince William Harry and administrative vision of Sir Keith Mills, Invictus games have now transformed from a dream to reality, providing every subsidy and training disbursements possible to handicapped war veterans. It was Prince Harry who met with Barack Obama, the United States president to persuade him for next Invictus games in United States.

Someone had to step out to support those tough gentlemen. World is not too short of warm-hearted people, inestimable sponsors stood up to support the cause. Jaguar Land Rover has always financed the wounded soldiers to lead to a better civilian life; same is the case in Invictus Games 2016. Fisher House Foundation, as always has helped more than one thousand military men and their families to cheer up for their achievements. They believe in sports and intimate adoration as the only way out of the mental misery of these former combatants. In addition, we are so proud that the aquatics industry has stepped to support these games. Myrtha Pools and Spectrum are just two of the vendors and manufacturers we work with who are a big part of it.

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